Monday, March 5, 2012

School: Mercy and Forgiveness!

Exam time! Mom gave me this question to work on:

"Sometimes when we do wrong, we feel like we are so bad we cannot be 'fixed' and then we use those bad feelings to continue
bad behavior. Explain how a person can stop this downward spiral."

Pray, Pray, PRAY! Ask for God’s help. If you don’t you’re in a hamster wheel, because you are not going anywhere, just running!

"I-I"(*pant,pant*)"I can do this by myself!"

In The Holy War, It took Mansoul three petitions to have Emmanuel forgive them for all the bad deeds Diabolus led them
into. They were really corrupted, but God NEVER abandons you!

God will always be your best friend! Christ died for us, a lasting death in His heart and in ours. This death of Christ causes pain
when we think of what He had to go through. He wants what is best for us. He is really excited about us coming, and we’re excited
about His coming.


  1. Good job! This is such a gift, that you realize this already in your life. I was well into my adult life before I became aware of the self-defeating pattern that ruminating over past inadequacies had on my present attitude. By mulling over past mistakes we really miss out on the peace that comes from Christ's redemption. I personally do need that constant prayer to be reminded that we are not intended to be able to succeed without Christ! It sounds so basic, but it was quite an epiphany to me when I finally realized that maturing as a Christian does not mean becoming more independent, but becoming more dependent on God. You're 20+ years ahead of me, my dear!

  2. What a wonderful realization at such a young age. Love you La and how God is blessing you in you schooling. Love, Grammy

  3. Amen Sister Lauren! The hamster wheel stinks; repentance and grace is life and peace.
